- Il nostro team, composto da privatisti e pubblicisti, consiglia e accompagna aziende che affrontare questioni e sviluppi ambientali.
I nostri avvocati assistono i principali attori del settore industriale, immobiliare e finanziario (banche, fondi, investitori), nonché gli enti pubblici nelle loro questioni ambientali e di sviluppo sostenibile, sia in materia di consulenza che di contenzioso. A tal fine, i partner hanno sviluppato una pratica multidisciplinare grazie ai nostri esperti del settore pubblico e privato.
- Legge sugli impianti classificati
- Legge sui rifiuti
- Legge dei siti e dei terreni inquinati
- Legge sull'acqua
- Legge sull'igiene, sicurezza e salute
- Legge sulla biodiversità e le specie protette

- Leaders League 2024: The team is ranked in the Project finance: advising banks or sponsor (Excellent) category of the Projects & Infrastructure Guide
- Legal 500 EMEA 2024: The team is is ranked in the Administrative and Public law category
‘Good service, efficient team.’ - Leaders League 2023: The team is is ranked in the Administrative contracts and related litigation (Excellent), Energy: market regulation (Excellent), Market regulation (Excellent), Urban commercial planning (Highly recommended), Classified installations for environmental protection, polluted sites and soil, industrial wastelands (Highly recommended), Renewable energy law (Highly recommended), Public domain (Highly recommended), Waste management law (Recommended) and Environmental litigation (Valuable practice) categories of the Energy, Environment, Public sector & Business Guide
- Legal 500 EMEA 2023 : The team is is ranked Administrative an Public law et Energy.
‘Availability, pragmatism and business oriented.’
Franklin, an independent French law firm, expands its offering in Public Law – Regulatory and Energy with (...)
Congratulations to our teams distinguished in 12 expertises of the Legal 500 EMEA 2023 ranking and thanks (...)
Félicitations à nos équipes distinguées dans 13 expertises du classement Legal 500 EMEA 2022 : Administrative & (...)