Patrick Thiébart
Patrick Thiébart ist im Arbeitsrecht tätig.
Patrick berät nationale und internationale Unternehmen in Fragen des Arbeits- und Sozialrechts sowie des Personalwesens.
Er unterstützt seine Mandanten bei der Vorbereitung und Umsetzung von Sozialplänen, sowie bei der Verwaltung von Restrukturierungen und von arbeits- und sozialrechtlichen Problematiken bei Erwerb, Verkauf oder Fusion von börsennotierten oder privaten Unternehmen.
Er betreut Unternehmen bei individuellen und kollektiven Arbeitsrechtsstreitigkeiten – insbesondere bei Massenprozessen und Streitsachen, die auf die Anfechtung von Beschäftigungssicherungsplänen abzielen.
Patrick ist Mitglied von ABA (American Bar Association), IBA (International Bar Association) und EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association).

- Leaders League 2024: Patrick Thiébart is recognized in the categories:
- Collective bargaining and social relations: Excellent
- High-risk individual litigation: Excellent
- Social management of M&As and social audits: Excellent
- Reorganizations, socials programs, and related litigation: Excellent
- Compliance program: Excellent
- Social compliance: Highly recommended
- Social security: Highly recommended
- Collective and individual compensation: Highly recommended
- International investigation and internal investigation: Highly recommended
- Mobility and expatriation: Recommended
- Advising management teams: Recommended
- Additional social protection: Recommended
- Quoted in Best Lawyers in France 2025 Guide
- Legal 500 EMEA 2024: Patrick Thiébart is recognized in Employment.
- Leaders League 2024: Rising Team « Labor law: high-risk individual disputes »
- Leaders League 2024: Silver award « Labor law: collective bargaining and labor relations »
- WWL 2023 – Thought Leaders in France – Labour, Employment & Benefits
- Chambers Europe 2023: What the team is known for: Franklin operates an established practice group offering experience in employment issues arising from harassment claims and corporate restructurings, including mass redundancy. The team advises on senior executive departures and working time policies, as well as acting on employment disputes. The firm’s clients stem from a range of industries including technology, travel and automotive.
Strengths: “The Franklin team are very attentive. When there is an urgent matter, the lawyers move mountains to address the concerns.“
- University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas : Postgraduate Diploma (DEA) in European Law