| | ParaluMain features: - Business: Design and manufacture of curtain walls, joinery and railings.
- Location: Beauvallon (Rhône)
- Company registration number: Paralu : 302 044 557 – Paralu Diffusion : 381 751 908 – Bodyguard : 823 094 743
- Headcount: Paralu : 104 employees – Paralu Diffusion : 11 employees – Bodyguard : 5 employees
- Revenues: Paralu : 25,89 M€ – Paralu Diffusion : 1,34 M€ – Bodyguard : 1,3 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 12/09/2022
 | | Sale of organic productsMain features: - Business: Sale of organic food and non-food products (2 stores)
- Location: Lille area
- Headcount 31 employees
- Store 1 : 2021 revenues: 4,23 M€ – 2020 revenues: 4,9 M€
Store 2 : 2021 revenues: 3,93 M€ – 2020 revenues: 3,47 M€ - Deadline for submitting bids: 16/09/2022
 | | Tell Me (6 stores)Main features: - Business: Sale of phone products and connected objects.
- Location: Ile-de-France, Toulouse, Lyon, Lille
- Headcount 43 employees
- 2021 revenues: 9 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 29/07/2022
 | | MDL EuropeMain features: - Business: Press tool manufacturing: large steel plate products and small diameter cylindrical components.
- Location: Issenheim (Haut-Rhin)
- Company registration number: 341 196 749
- Headcount 74 employees
- 2021 revenues: 8,37 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 16/07/2022
 | | Secur IndoorMain features: - Business: Protection of unoccupied sites or dwellings in the North, Paris and South – Installation and management of surveillance systems. electronic and locking systems.
- Location: Créteil (94), Séclin (59), Langlade (30)
- Company registration number: 493 598 080
- Headcount 53 employees
- 2019 revenues: 6,5 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 29/07/2022
 | | On-board equipment and electrical industryMain features: - Business: 2 sectors of activity
1 – Information sector: system equipment for bus and coach transport. 2 – Industrial sector: integrator and installer of electrical process industry. - Location: Vallée du Rhône
- Headcount 41 employees
- 2021 revenues: 5,3 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 22/07/2022
 | | Company of construction of buildings and wooden frameworksMain features: - Business: Company of construction of buildings and wooden frameworks.
- Location: Gironde
- Headcount 32 employees
- 2021 revenues: 4,4 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 21/07/2022
 | | Loire EtudeMain features: - Business: Conception et réalisation de gros outils d’emboutissage à froid et à chaud, usinage de grandes dimensions.
- Location: Chamond (Loire)
- Company registration number: 966 506 057
- Headcount 34 employees
- 2021 revenues: 3,87 M€ – 2020 revenues: 5,15 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 19/09/2022
 | | Groupe Ekim (Pazzi Robotics)Main features: - Business: Design and marketing of robots and automated systems for the catering industry.
- Location: Montevrain (Seine-et-Marne)
- Company registration number: 799 078 027
- Headcount 30 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 25/07/2022
 | | Printing machinesMain features: - Business: Manufacture of silk-screen or inkjet printing machines on containers.
- Location: Ile-de-France
- Headcount 35 employees
- 2021 revenues: 3 M€ – 2020 revenues: 2,4 M€ – 2019 revenues: 5,4 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 27/07/2022
 | | Baguette BoxMain features: - Business: Home delivery of bakery products in rural areas.
- Location: Kirchheim (Bas-Rhin)
- Company registration number: 847 896 420
- Headcount 158 employees
- 2021 revenues: 2,89 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 08/08/2022
 | | VIE – Vitrages Isolants de l’EstMain features: - Business: Manufacture of insulating glass units for carpentry, conservatory and façade manufacturers, and installation.
- Location: Cirey-sur-Vezouze (Meurthe-et-Moselle)
- Company registration number: 498 974 575
- Headcount 22 employees
- 2021-2022 revenues: 2,7 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 22/07/2022
 | | TransportMain features: - Business: Public transport of goods, rental of industrial and goods transport vehicles, rental of public works equipment – Earthworks and demolition.
- Location: Lorraine
- Company registration number: 751 139 585
- Headcount 42 employees
- 2021 revenues (9 months) : 2,2 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 16/08/2022
 | | Hygiene productsMain features: - Business: Sale of intimate and body hygiene products.
- Location: Normandie
- Headcount 5 employees
- 2021 revenues: 1,6 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 30/09/2022
 | | Keen EyeMain features: - Business: Development and marketing of deep learning solutions in the health sector.
- Location: Paris (Ile-de-France)
- Company registration number: 793 725 045
- Headcount 33 employees
- 2020 revenues: 1,1 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 25/07/2022