| | Etablissements PoulingueMain features: - Business: Company specialising in biosourced construction for special works and top-of-the-range housing.
- Location: Beuzeville (Eure)
- Company registration number: 386 780 118
- Headcount 240 employees
- 2022 revenues: 49 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 05/01/2024
 | | Automotive equipment manufacturerMain features: - Business: Second-tier automotive equipment manufacturer (plastic injection, mould design and production).
- Location: 5 production sites in France and 3 abroad (Romania, Turkey and Morocco)
- Headcount 380 employees
- 2022 revenues: 35,6 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 04/01/2024
 | | Collective cateringMain features: - Business: Company 1: Contract catering
Company 2: Other catering services - Headcount: Company 1: 0 employee – Company 2: 180 employees
- 2022 revenues: Company 1: 426 K€ – Company 2: 9,7 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 08/01/2024

| | Meat production tradingMain features: - Business: Meat production trading
- Headcount 41 employees
- 2022-2023 revenues: 9,4 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 18/12/2023

| | Roofing companyMain features: - Business: Roofing, waterproofing, carpentry, cladding and asbestos removal company.
- Lcation: Yonneo
- Headcount 46 employees
- 2023 revenues: 7,1 M€ – 2022 revenues: 6,6 M€ – 2021 revenues: 8,3 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 20/01/2024
 | | Automated wind technologyMain features: - Business: Development and marketing of an automated wind technology that moves dynamically to capture wind energy and provide additional traction power for ships.
- Headcount 100 to 300 employees
- 2022 revenues: between 2 and 5 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 22/12/2023
 | | LelabourMain features: - Business: General masonry work and building shells.
- Location: Dormans (Marne) and Charly sur Marne (Aisne)
- Company registration number: Lelabour: 379 119 019 – Lelabour Couverture: 902 838 440 – Leblanc Bâtiment: 438 879 306
- 2022 revenues: Lelabour: 2 M€ – Lelabour Couverture: 505 K€ – Leblanc Bâtiment: 2,9 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 15/01/2024
 | | Distribution of food productsMain features: - Business: Distribution of food products.
- 2022 revenues: 3,6 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 18/12/2023
 | | Creation and operation of theme parksMain features: - Business: Creation and operation of theme parks.
- Headcount 38 employees
- 2023 revenues: 3,2 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 23/01/2024
 | | General building and civil engineering companyMain features: - Business: General building and civil engineering company (masonry, painting, plumbing, electricity).
- Location: Val de Marne
- 2022 revenues: 3 M€
- Headcount 18 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 09/01/2024
 | | Groupe ID4Main features: - Business: ID4FEED: Production and distribution of feed, feed supplements, additives, raw materials, welfare and hygiene products for farm animals.
ID4TECH: Biotechnology research and development. HEIDI4: Holding company. - Location: ID4FEED and ID4TECH : Annecy (Savoie) – HEIDI4 : Valréas (Vaucluse)
- Company registration number: ID4FEED : 830 093 209 – ID4TECH : 849 079 918 – HEIDI4 : 879 548 659
- 2022 revenues: 2,3 M€ – 2021 revenues: 3,7 M€
- Headcount 10 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 31/01/2024
 | | Roto Sieve FranceMain features: - Business: Sale of industrial equipment manufactured by Lackeby, which develops and manufactures leading products in the fields of water treatment and heat exchange.
- Location: Mesnil-le-Roi (Yvelines)
- 2022 revenues: 2,2 M€ – 2021 revenues: 2,3 M€
- Headcount 5 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 30/01/2024
 | | Soco PlastMain features: - Business: Manufacture of plastic parts by injection.
- Implantation géographique : Rambouillet (Yvelines)
- 2022 revenues: 1,7 M€
- Headcount 14 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 24/01/2024
 | | 3CB Distribution – Brand: Monop’Main features: - Business: General grocery store under the MONOP’ banner.
- Location: Blois (Loir-et-Cher)
- Company registration number: 919 532 408
- 2023 revenues: 1,6 M€
- Headcount 9 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 12/01/2024
 | | Ateliers d’agencement GarnierMain features : - Business: Interior joinery and fittings, mainly for customers.
- Location: Beynost (Ain)
- Company registration number: 481 616 233
- 2022 revenues: 1,6 M€ – 2021 revenues: 965 K€
- Headcount 11 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 04/01/2024