| | Chemical transformation of waste oilsMain features: - Business: French plant for the chemical conversion of used oils, waste and residues into biofuels (2nd generation and advanced biodiesel, biofuels), operating on a continuous process and capable of processing all types of raw materials (including animal fats).
- Location: Prémery (Yvelines)
- 2022 revenues: 96,6 M€ – 2021 revenues: 40,8 M€ – 2020 revenues: 29,9 M€
- Headcount 36 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 26/04/2024

| | BamboohMain features: - Business: Management of multi-service and multi-technical activities for companies
- Location: Seine-et-Marne
- Company registration number: 913 372 074
- 2023 revenues (provisional) : 24,7 M€ – 2022 revenues (provisional): 25,8 M€
- Headcount 99 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids : 05/04/2024
 | | Sofidest – Nippon Pièces ServiceMain features: - Business:
Sofidest : Holding Nippon Pièces Service : Importateur et distributeur de pièces automobiles asiatiques et européennes - Headcount: Sofidest : 25 employees – Nippon Pièces Service : 16 employees
- 2022 revenues : Sofidest : 2 M€- Nippon Pièces Service : 15,1 M€ – 2021 revenues : Sofidest : 2 M€ – Nippon Pièces Service : 17,8 M€
- Deadline for submitting bids: 30/04/2024

| | Supplying supermarkets, grocery shops and caterers with cashier productsMain features: - Business: A company specialising in supplying supermarkets, grocery shops and caterers with cashier products, in particular under private labels (Sharon Valley, Lilly Biscuits, Mehader, etc.).
- Location: Neuilly-sur-Marne (Seine-Saint-Denis)
- 2023 revenues (project) : 13 M€
- Headcount 21 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 15/04/2024
 | | Printing and finishing of periodicalsMain features: - Business: Company specialising in the printing and finishing of periodicals and publications, magazines and brochures, based in the Var region of France.
- Location: Var
- 2023 revenues: 7,8 M€
- Headcount 45 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 15/04/2024
 | | Tax, social security and customs representation servicesMain features: - Business: Companies providing tax, social security and customs representation services (operations in 20 countries)
- 2023 revenues: 7,1 M€
- Headcount 68 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 04/04/2024
 | | Groupe PatacrêpeMain features: - Business: Six companies operating five restaurants and a central kitchen
- Location: Béziers, Marseille, Nîmes, Les Pennes-Mirabeau and Lille
- Revenues: 6 M€
- Headcount 85 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 12/04/2024
 | | GaiagoMain features: - Business: Design, manufacture and sale of high added-value agricultural inputs: soil revitalisation products and biostumulants for use in agriculture
- Location: Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine)
- Company registration number: 803 443 787
- 2023 revenues: 5,7 M€
- Headcount 58 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 25/04/2024
 | | Road haulage of goodsMain features: - Business: Road haulage of goods (refrigerated transport, soil, limestone, cereal tippers, beetroot, pulp, residues, all products related to sugar production)
- Location: Pas-de-Calais
- 2023 revenues: 3 M€
- Headcount 17 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 20/05/2024
 | | Nutrimetics FranceMain features: - Business: Import, operation and sale of all perfumery and beauty products
- Location: Versailles (Yvelines)
- Company registration number: 393 387 881
- 2023 revenues: 3 M€
- Headcount 58 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 20/05/2024
 | | ExbanorMain features: - Business: Manufacture of films for packaging by extrusion of plastics and fastening systems for staking and trellising
- Location: Beuvillers (Calvados)
- Company registration number: 302 004 577
- 2023 revenues: 2,2 M€
- Headcount 5 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 22/04/2024
 | | UFT FranceMain features: - Business: Wholesale of various supplies and equipment for commerce and services
- Location: Rosheim (Bas-Rhin)
- Company registration number: 400 041 968
- 2022 revenues: 2 M€
- Headcount 8 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 23/04/2024
 | | Adapted company (disabled staff)Main features: - Business: Adapted company (disabled staff) in the fields of pharmaceuticals/cosmetics/solar panels (packaging)
- Location: Loiret
- 2023 revenues: 1,7 M€ – 2022 revenues: 2,6 M€
- Headcount 49 employees
- Deadline for submitting bids: 24/04/2024